Tuesday , 18 February 2025
Breaking News

ARC Standard Packages – Samples of Band 1-6 Responses

Standards Packages

The Board of Studies reports student achievement in the Higher School Certificate in relation to standards. Students receive marks that relate to performance bands, where each band is described in a statement summarising the knowledge, skills and understanding typically demonstrated by students who have achieved that standard.

Standards packages have been produced by the Board of Studies to illustrate the standards established in Higher School Certificate courses. They include descriptions of the performance bands and how they are set, certain key statistical reports, and samples of responses typically produced by students whose achievements place them on the borderline between two bands. Where possible, there are ‘exemplar’ student responses, which are examples of responses that were awarded full marks. The examination paper, marking guidelines and the syllabus are also included.

You will find current performance band descriptions for each subject in the HSC syllabuses section of the main Board website.

Source: ARC BOS  – http://arc.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/go/hsc/std-packs/

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